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Donald Trump en Pennsylvania

BUTLER, Pennsylvania — El ex presidente Donald Trump fue rodeado por agentes del Servicio Secreto y sacado rápidamente del escenario cuando se escucharon posibles disparos durante un mitin en Butler, Pennsylvania, el sábado.

Incidente Impactante en Butler: Detalles del Ataque

Donald Trump
Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is surround by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign rally, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pa. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

El evento tomó un giro drástico cuando, aparentemente, se escucharon disparos provenientes del exterior del perímetro de seguridad. Testigos reportan que Trump tenía sangre en su oreja derecha mientras era escoltado fuera del escenario, levantando el puño y diciendo “lucha”.

Un portavoz de Trump emitió un comunicado: “El presidente Trump agradece a las fuerzas del orden y a los socorristas por su rápida acción durante este acto atroz. Él está bien y está siendo evaluado en un centro médico local.”

Declaraciones Oficiales y Estado de Salud del Ex Presidente Donald Trump

El fiscal del distrito del condado de Butler, Richard A. Goldinger, confirmó a ABC News que el tirador está muerto. Además, se confirmó la muerte de un espectador y posiblemente un segundo fallecido.

Donald Trump Jr. informó que ha hablado con su padre, quien permanece en el hospital. Aseguró que Trump está “de buen ánimo” y bajo observación, destacando que “nunca va a detenerse”.

Reacciones y Medidas de Seguridad

El Servicio Secreto declaró: “Se produjo un incidente la noche del 13 de julio en un mitin de Trump en Pennsylvania. El Servicio Secreto ha implementado medidas de protección y el ex presidente está a salvo. Ahora es una investigación activa del Servicio Secreto y se proporcionará más información cuando esté disponible.”

La Casa Blanca también emitió un comunicado: “El presidente ha recibido un informe inicial sobre el incidente en el mitin del ex presidente Trump.”

Condena y Solidaridad

El gobernador demócrata de Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, expresó: “La violencia dirigida a cualquier partido político o líder político es absolutamente inaceptable. No tiene lugar en Pennsylvania ni en los Estados Unidos.”

Varios políticos han mostrado su apoyo. El senador de Ohio, J.D. Vance, escribió en las redes sociales: “Todos únanse a mí en rezar por nuestro presidente Trump y todos los que estuvieron en ese mitin. Espero que todos estén bien.”

El gobernador de Dakota del Norte, Doug Burgum, y el senador de Florida, Marco Rubio, también publicaron mensajes de solidaridad y oraciones por Trump y los asistentes al mitin.

Respuesta de las Autoridades sobre el ataque a Donald Trump

“ATF está respondiendo para ayudar al Servicio Secreto de EE. UU. y otros socios de las fuerzas del orden. Esta es una prioridad principal. No tenemos más comentarios en este momento,” indicó ATF en un comunicado.

Este es un informe de noticias de última hora. Continuaremos actualizando con más información a medida que esté disponible.

Kenia en Misión de la ONU en Haití.

El Rol de Kenia en la Misión Multinacional de la ONU para Combatir la Violencia en Haití

En un esfuerzo por abordar la creciente violencia de las pandillas en Haití, una fuerza policial de Kenia se prepara para partir hacia el país caribeño el próximo martes. Esta iniciativa se enmarca en una misión multinacional de la ONU, destinada a estabilizar y restablecer la seguridad en la región.

Kenia ha mostrado su compromiso ofreciendo enviar 1.000 agentes de policía, quienes serán el núcleo de esta misión internacional. Esta decisión subraya la disposición de Kenia a desempeñar un papel activo en los esfuerzos globales para mantener la paz y la seguridad. Sin embargo, la misión no ha estado exenta de desafíos legales en Kenia, lo que ha puesto a prueba la voluntad y la capacidad del país para participar en operaciones internacionales de mantenimiento de la paz.

Contexto de la Violencia en Haití

Haití ha sido testigo de un aumento significativo de la violencia de las pandillas en los últimos años. Estas organizaciones criminales han extendido su influencia, controlando grandes áreas del país y contribuyendo a un entorno de inseguridad constante para la población haitiana. La intervención de la ONU y la comunidad internacional se ha vuelto crucial para apoyar a las autoridades locales en la lucha contra estas pandillas y restaurar el orden.

Desafíos Legales y Operativos

El despliegue de fuerzas policiales de Kenia no ha sido un proceso sencillo. En el país africano, la decisión de enviar agentes ha generado debates legales y operativos. Las leyes internas y las consideraciones de soberanía han sido puntos clave en las discusiones, ya que la participación en misiones internacionales requiere una cuidadosa consideración de los marcos legales nacionales e internacionales.

A pesar de estos desafíos, el gobierno keniano ha logrado avanzar, destacando su compromiso con la misión. Esta participación no solo refleja la solidaridad internacional, sino también la capacidad de Kenia para contribuir de manera significativa a la paz y la seguridad global.

El Impacto Esperado

La presencia de los agentes kenianos en Haití tiene el potencial de marcar una diferencia significativa. Con una fuerza bien entrenada y equipada, se espera que estos agentes colaboren estrechamente con las autoridades locales y otras fuerzas internacionales para desmantelar las redes de pandillas y devolver la seguridad a las comunidades afectadas.

Además, esta misión ofrece a Kenia la oportunidad de fortalecer sus relaciones internacionales y su reputación en la arena global como un actor comprometido con la paz y la seguridad. La experiencia adquirida en Haití también puede servir para mejorar las capacidades de las fuerzas de seguridad kenianas en futuras operaciones internacionales y nacionales.


El despliegue de la fuerza policial de Kenia a Haití es un paso significativo en la lucha contra la violencia de las pandillas en el país caribeño. A pesar de los desafíos legales y operativos, Kenia ha demostrado su compromiso con la paz y la seguridad globales. Esta misión no solo busca estabilizar Haití, sino también fortalecer los lazos internacionales y mejorar la capacidad de respuesta de Kenia en misiones de mantenimiento de la paz. A medida que la misión avance, será crucial observar cómo se desarrollan los esfuerzos y qué impacto tendrán en la seguridad y la estabilidad de Haití.

Club MED is hyping its French legacy with new marking

All-inclusive pioneer Club Med is doubling down on its French heritage with its latest campaign, launched under the new “That’s L’Esprit Libre.”

For travelers in the U.S., the very French motto, which translates to “that’s free spirit,” is certainly a departure from more typical U.S.-targeted all-inclusive messaging. But according to Amelie Brouhard, Club Med’s vice president of marketing for North America and USA sales, the move is expected to play well to an American audience, who often perceive France as a symbol of luxury experiences and gourmet cuisine.

“When crafting the campaign, we tested it with a panel of U.S. customers, and it was actually very positively received,” Brouhard said. “We wanted something that’s different from what others are doing.”

Concurrent with the campaign rollout, Club Med, which now has close to 70 resorts worldwide, has also revamped its brand identity by way of an updated logo, refreshed website and other branding updates.

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The changes come, however, as Club Med faces a setback in its efforts to grow its U.S. footprint. Earlier this spring, the company scrapped plans to open a Utah mountain property, originally set to be developed as part of the existing Snowbasin ski resort in Huntsville.

The Utah resort was on track to be the brand’s first new U.S. all-inclusive in more than 20 years and mark the brand’s return to U.S. soil. The company ceased operations of the former Club Med Sandpiper Bay in Port St. Lucie, Fla., last year.

Amelie Brouhard

Amelie Brouhard

According to Brouhard, the group’s decision to walk away from the Utah project was related to timeline delays. She emphasized, however, that Club Med remains dedicated to re-entering the U.S. and plans to pursue another project in the market.

The U.S. market is the No. 2 market for skiers in the world,” Brouhard said. “And North America as a whole is a very dynamic region.

In North America overall, it maintains several properties in Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean, including the Miches Playa Esmerelda, which is part of its Exclusive Collection of luxury properties.

Its yacht product, the Club Med 2, is also marketed to Americans.

Thanks to the Club Med Quebec Charlevoix, she said, “we now have a presence in Canada, and Mexico also has high potential” for development.

Refresh in Punta Cana

In addition to eyeing further development, Club Med is reinvesting in its existing portfolio. Most notably, the brand is on track to complete a refresh of its Club Med Punta Cana all-inclusive — which originally opened in 1978 — this summer.

Updates being made to the Punta Cana resort include an overhaul of the property’s oceanfront Hispaniola Restaurant, a guestroom refurbishment effort focused on family-friendly accommodations and the debut of a weddings and events facility overlooking the Caribbean Sea.

“We’re working to elevate our client experience and legacy resorts,” said Brouhard. The Club Med Punta Cana, she added, “is one renovation that really epitomizes our new positioning and brand campaign.” 

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By Christina Jelski 

Find all that you really want to be aware to get your outing to the Dominican Republic prepared.

Find all that you really want to be aware to get your excursion to the Dominican Republic prepared.
Before you travel to another nation, as for this situation to the Dominican Republic, there are a few subtleties you should known to keep away from a few surprising occasions while setting aside cash and time. Consequently, it is critical to be aware ahead of time various perspectives about their traditions, customs, administrations, and every one of the papers expected to appreciate without issues this delightful island.

Go to the Dominican Republic, the second biggest nation of those washed by the Caribbean waters and the favored vacationer location because of its excellence and uniqueness. Find the primary European settlement in America, an island that Columbus named La Española and which turned into the most extravagant state on the planet. Partake in its advantaged climate and various scene, which involves tropical wildernesses, sea shores of translucent waters, high mountain ranges, fruitful valleys and dazzling mangroves… these transforming the country into a charming holiday spot.


Miches Carnival 2023 starts today.

Me and my friend today we just take a quick visit of what is the carnival looks like at Miches city tours.

Welcome to the Carnaval Season at Miches city tours.

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Carnival 2023 miches

See you soon every Sunday at Miches we are live enjoin this great experience thanks to Rancho Tio Pepe, and friends at Miches city tours.

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Tourism Department announces the start of new investments in Miches for more than US 735 millions.

Tourism Department announces the start of new investments in Miches for more than US 735 millions.

Tourism in Miches

miches city tours news info

Madrid Spain. – Inside the system of the FITUR Fair, the Service of The travel industry along with ProMiches declared new tasks for the advancement of the Miches vacationer center point, which arrive at in excess of 735 million Dollars among public and confidential speculations.

The declaration was made during a morning meal to draw in venture for the Miches objective, where they introduced the advances, both as far as regional preparation and public speculation and confidential undertakings that are now being completed nearby.

The climate of the Fair is the best spot to situate the country as a protected and stable objective for venture.

The Priest of The travel industry, David Collado, focused on that the Public authority is making all the fundamental foundation for Miches to turn into a fruitful vacationer location.

“In this organization, we have planned an Administration Plan for Miches and through the Executing Board of trustees for Foundation in Traveler Regions (CEIZTUR) and INAPA, we have figured out how to construct the essential streets, admittance to the ocean side and the water system in Miches to ensure that inn improvements have the public framework vital for their functional achievement,” the authority said.

The confidential association responsible for advancing the advancement of Miches, ProMiches, introduced the various speculations, where 3 lodgings currently in activity and a few more during the time spent being constructed stick out.

“Among the different confidential ventures we will have in excess of 3,700 lodgings and very nearly 2,000 private rooms, inside the tasks in activity and under development,” said Yamil Isaías, leader of ProMiches.

As far as it matters for its, Banco del Reservas detailed that the greater part of the rooms under development in Miches are being funded by said organization.

“The travel industry advancement of Miches incorporates, in the long haul, the authorizing of 3,756 lodgings. Of that aggregate, through projects previously supported by our organization, 2,020 rooms will be empowered, the greater part of that aggregate”, announced Samuel Pereyra, director of Banreservas.

The Dominican Government consented to a coordinated effort arrangement with ProMiches in 2022 for joint venture work in regards to the improvement of this traveler post and it was revalidated on the event of the Worldwide The travel industry Fair, FITUR 2023, which was held around here of Madrid. It happens from January 18 to 22.

During the festival of this speculation breakfast, various financial backers introduced their tasks. Among them, we can specify the ZEMI project, by financial backer Plain Elías Rainieri, which will have a sum of 534 lodgings and 1,000 private rooms in its most memorable stage.

Moreover, the Viva Wyndham Gathering project, with 487 lodgings, introduced by Rafael Blanco Canto; that of Grupo Tropicalia, addressed by William Phelan, and the task of Grupo Maralda, with 690 lodgings and 800 homes.

The occasion was a reasonable exhibition that the obligation to Miches by the Dominican Republic is a reality and it was accounted for that joint public and confidential endeavors will go on so this objective can accomplish its improvement in the most brief conceivable time.

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